This is a rather small cave. total depth is around 10 meters, The entrance is rather small and there is a very narrow passage after it. The cave is vertical but contains one small main hall.
First visit - the discovery
During a tour of the area, a tiny hole was identified by Reuven Zakai and Yuval Soboloyev, and since the work on another site did not produce anything, we moved to work on the tiny hole, Quickly The entrance was widened And we could see that the depth is around 6-7 meters. - The dimensions of the entrance: 0.6 0.6 The cave is about 10 meters deep, completely vertical, devoid of chalk stone Kfar Shaul formation, if I am not mistaken, there aren't any stalactites. It seems to me that the name of the Tasit cave is suitable because of the proximity to Khirbet Tassit.
Second visit - the mapping
On the second visit the cave was mapped by Shemesh Yaaran and Yotam Zissu